Thunderbird+G5 add-on for NVDA, more efficiency and comfort when using Thunderbird 115 and 128

Version : 2409.11 stable, NVDA 2021.1 - 2024.3 ;

Thunderbird+G5 for Thunderbird 115 and 128 ESR


Thunderbird+G5 is an add-on for NVDA that significantly increases the efficiency and comfort of using the Thunderbird 115 email client.

It improves your productivity by providing commands that don’t exist natively in Thunderbird:

This page documents the keyboard shortcuts offered by Thunderbird+G5.

Most of these keyboard shortcuts are configurable via the NVDA Menu / Preferences / Input Gestures / Thunderbird+G5 (TB >= 115) category.

Main window navigation

Note: The named key (key above Tab) in the remainder of this page designates the key located below Escape, above Tab and to the left of the number 1. Its wording varies depending on the language of the keyboard.

General shortcuts

These shortcuts are for the folder tree, message list, and message preview pane.

Note: The label of the first key to the left of backspace varies depending on the keyboard language.

Message list

Custom vocalization of rows (2023.11.10)

This custom mode, disabled by default, allows more comfortable listening to lines in the message list.

However, it has some disadvantages:

You can activate this mode by pressing shift+ key above Tab and selecting the “Main window options” item in the menu then checking the “Message list: custom vocalization of rows” option.

This submenu also contains other customization options that only work if custom vocalization is enabled.
Remark :

Some users are experiencing a problem with blank lines in normal mode. If you are in this case, activate “Message list: force filling of rows if always blank” option.

But ideally, this problem should be solved by creating a new user profile in Thunderbird, which involves reconfiguring email accounts.

Tip for custom vocalization of rows

You can use the two columns “Reading Status” and “Status” together to combine their respective advantages:

also read the section Choice and order of columns

Message list shortcuts

Note: This quote / citation browser can be used from the message list, message from the separate reading window, from the compose window and from the spell check dialog.

Announcing, spelling and copying message list fields

Each row of the list is broken down into several fields corresponding to the columns. You can compare a field to a cell in an Excel spreadsheet.

The shortcuts below can be done without changing focus:

Tip: If you use several folders, apply the same column order to all of them, so that a number will always correspond to the same column.

Announcing and copying headers from the preview pane or separate reading window

Attachments pane in main window and separate reading window

The following shortcuts allow you to announce attachments or select one in the list.

Tag management from the message list

The shortcuts below allow vocal management of tags without having to navigate through the Thunderbird context menu.

Vocalization of shortcuts a, c, j and m of the message list

From version 2023.11.10, these marking shortcuts are no longer vocalized by the add-on. NVDA immediately announces the change in content of the line concerned.

Quick message filtering (2023.11.10)

letter f: ergonomic alternative to Control+Shift+k to display or reach the quick filter bar. This shortcut is configurable in the command gestures dialog.
Note: The focus must be in a non-empty message list. Press Escape to deactivate the active filter.

To directly access the filtering results from the keyword input field, press down arrow.

When a filter is active, a sound resembling hissing is played each time the message list gains focus. This is especially useful when you switch windows or tabs and then return to the message list later.

If this sound bothers you, you have two options:

  1. Open the Shift+(key above Tab) menu and in the Deactivations submenu, check the option:
    List messages: Don’t play a sound when the list is filtered and gets focus.
  2. Open the Shift+menu (key above Tab) then press Enter on the item: Open sounds folder.
    This folder will open in File Explorer,
    There you will find the filter.wav file.
    You can replace this file with another as long as your file has the same name: filter.wav.
    When done, restart NVDA.

Announcement of status bar and quick filter information

SmartReply: reply to mailing lists with control+R

To respond to certain mailing lists, it is necessary to press Control+Shift+L. To avoid replying to the wrong recipient, press Control+R to reply to the list and Control+r twice to reply privately to the sender of the message.

Note: is not affected by this feature.

Choice and order of columns (2023.10.31)

This procedure is native to Thunderbird 115 but it is explained here because it is poorly documented.

folder tree: quick navigation (2023.10.31)

Some commands display a menu containing folders in the tree structure to allow navigation by initial letters. For performance reasons, the script does not display subfolders of collapsed branches.

Additionally, if the name of an account or folder ends with a hyphen, it will not be included in the unread folders menu.

It is therefore advisable to exclude accounts and folders by closing little-used branches or by renaming accounts to add a hyphen to the end of their name.

Since version 2312.14.00, “Unified Folders” mode is supported. In this mode, all account names must contain the @ character. To rename an account, select it in the tree, press the Applications key then press Settings in the context menu. Then tab to the “Account Name” field.

Folder tree Shortcuts

Remarks :

For these last two commands, some time will pass before the menu is displayed because the script must go through the entire tree to build the menu.

Instead, use one of these two little tips:

  1. Press Alt+Home twice quickly to display the accounts menu,
    Choose an account then press Enter.
    A new menu containing the folders for this account will open and you can use a letter to activate one.
  2. Press Control+Alt+Home twice quickly to display the accounts menu with unread folders,
    Choose an account then press Enter.
    A new menu containing the unread folders of this account will open and you can use a letter to activate one.

Closing windows and tabs

Compose window

The shortcuts in this window concern the addressing fields and the attachments pane.

Spell check dialog

At the opening of this dialogue,The add-on automatically announces words and their spelling. This can be disabled in the compose window options.

The following shortcuts are available from the replacement word editing area:

Address book, easier management (v.2024.02.07)

The add-on improves address book announcements and provides you with keyboard commands that allow you to organize address books and mailing lists via virtual drag and drop.

Improved annoucements

Command Summary

Example 1: Creating a mailing list in the Personal Address Book

Moving Contacts from Collected Addresses to Different Address Books

  1. Go to the address book tree and select “Collected addresses”;
  2. Tab to the contacts table;
  3. Select one or more contacts;
  4. Optionally press the letter “d” to preselect a new destination;
  5. Back in the contacts table, press the letter “a” to drag and drop selected contacts to the destination address book;
  6. Once done, the focus is given to the search field. Optionally enter a name then repeat operations 2 to 5.

Add-on update menu (v.2402.14.00)

To access this menu, you can press AltGr+Shift+key above the Tab key or do the following:

External complements

add-on Start With inbox for Thunderbird 115 (2023.10.31)1

When Thunderbird starts, this add-on automatically selects:

Facility :

Set Start with Inbox options: